Elevation: 2910 m/9547 ft
Latitude: 7.54°S Longitude: 110.446°E
Eruption Data - November 2020
- November 5, 2020. After the big eruption in 2010, Mount Merapi experienced another magmatic eruption on August 11, 2018 which lasted until September 2019. Along with the cessation of magma extrusion, Mount Merapi entered a new magma intrusion phase marked by an increase in deep volcanic earthquakes (VA) and a series of explosive eruptions. until 21 June 2020. Volcanic activity continues to increase until now.
Eruption Data - August 2020
- No data available
Eruption Data - July 2020
- No data available
Eruption Data - June 2020
- June 21, 2020 at 09.27 WIB. Visual eruptions were not observed. This eruption was recorded on a seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 75 mm and a duration of 100 seconds.
- June 21, 2020 at 09.13WIB. Ash plume rising above Merapi crater at 6,000 meters.
Eruption Data - May 2020
- February 13, 2020 at 05.16 WIB. Ash plume rising above Merapi crater at 2,000 meters.
Eruption Data - April 2020
- April 10, 2020 at 09.10 WIB. Ash plume rising above Merapi crater at 3,000 meters.
- April 2, 2020 at 15.10 WIB. Ash plume rising above Merapi crater at 3,000 meters.
Eruption Data - March 2020
- March 29, 2020 at 00.15 WIB. Ash plume rising above Merapi crater at 1,500 meters.
- March 28, 2020 at 19.25 WIB. Ash plume rising above Merapi crater at 3,000 meters.
- March 28, 2020 at 05.21 WIB. Ash plume rising above Merapi crater at 2,000 meters.
- March 27, 2020 at 21.46 WIB. Ash plume rising above Merapi crater at 1,000 meters.
- March 27, 2020 at 10.56 WIB. Ash plume rising above Merapi crater at 5,000 meters.
- March 3, 2020 at 05.22 WIB. Ash plume rising above Merapi crater at 6,000 meters.
Eruption Data - February 2020
- February 13, 2020 at 05.16 WIB. Ash plume rising above Merapi crater at 2,000 meters.
5 November 2020
All mining activities in rivers within the Disaster Prone Area (KRB) III are prohibited (or within a radius of 3 km from the top of the volcano). Tourism activities, including hiking to the top of Mount Merapi, are currently suspended.
UII Covid-19 mitigation:
University update
#StaySafe. UII has assigned a task force to manage all communications and implementation of university policies during the emergency period. Our number one priority is the health, safety and well-being of students, staffs and community.
21 July 2020
Extend the online learning period until the end of the Odd Semester 2020/2021. Postponed the Initial Lecture for 2020 new students and conducted the program online on September 8, 2020. Scheduling office activities on a shift basis starting August 3, 2020, for each person at least two days a week, with working hours at 09.00-16.00 WIB and still coordinating the tasks from home for those who are not getting shift at the office. The trial can be carried out starting 27 July 2020.
15 May 2020
Extension of Online Learning and Work from Home. Due to the condition of the contagion of the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia that has not subsided, UII established a policy to extend the online study and work from home period until July 24, 2020. This policy will be evaluated by taking into account the latest developments.
08 April 2020
Extension of Online Learning and Work from Home. Due to the condition of the contagion of the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia that has not subsided, UII established a policy to extend the online study and work from home period until 1 June, 2020. This policy will be evaluated by taking into account the latest developments. Holidays and Working Hours During Ramadan. UII announced that Friday, April 24, 2020 as a holiday (the first day of Ramadan), so that all activities and services at that time will be closed, including online learning, working from home (KdR), and other related services. Office hours during Ramadan are Monday to Friday, 08.00 to 15.00 WIB.
23 March 2020
Extend the online learning period until June 7, 2020. Ask students to take part in online learning from their current place of residence (dormitory, rented house, rented room, boarding school, residential house) and do not travel back home or out of town, because everyone has the potential to spread the virus to people or areas that have not been exposed, and vice versa, also potentially exposed during travel. Temporarily cancel all services that requires face-to-face interaction in all units, and replace them completely with Work from Home (KdR), starting March 24 to April 15, 2020. This duration can be extended by taking into account the latest developments in the Covid-19 outbreak.
16 March 2020
Establish a policy to implement the Work from Home (Kerja dari Rumah – KdR) system for all lecturers and education staff at Universitas Islam Indonesia, from March 17 to April 15, 2020. The duration of the KdR can be extended by taking into account the global conditions of the Covid-19 outbreak and the recommendations of the government of the Republic of Indonesia.
14 March 2020
The regular class is conducted by using an online platform starting from March 16, 2020, to April 15, 2020. Duration of online learning can be extended by taking into account the latest situation of the outbreaks. The Midterm Examination scheduled on April 16, can be conducted as a take-home exam. Applying strict protocols for certain classes that cannot be carried out by using online platforms. The programs or activities involving many people or other parties outside UII (such as seminars/conferences, workshops, and general lectures), are suspended. Imposing strict protocols for international guests, including quarantine and cancellation of meetings if necessary. Increasing the disease prevention efforts by maintaining self-care and environmental health.
Please contact the Public Relations Division (Divisi Humas) at 082131737773 (telephone, WhatsApp) to report or to access information related to the mitigation of Covid-19 within Universitas Islam Indonesia.
04 March 2020
All lecturers, staff, and UII students are encouraged to do preventive measures through controlling two major activities, including limitation of international mobility activities and increasing awareness of environmental cleanliness. Responding to the potential spread of Covid-19, all business trips to high-risk countries and the arrival of international delegation to UII Campus were recommended to be postponed. Every hand washing facility and tableware must be equipped with soap and hand dryer or disposable tissue.
This information is also available in Bahasa Indonesia
Health helpline
If you develop symptoms you should not be panic. Isolate yourself at your place residence and immediately contact one of the following emergency hotline numbers.
Yogyakarta Tanggap Covid-19:
0274 555 585
0811 276 480
Further information can be accessed from the following link: UII Covid-19 Mitigation
WATCH VIDEO. A short video footage of the BUiLD Kick-off Meeting agenda in Yogyakarta, 2-3 December 2019
Building Universities in Leading Disaster Resilience
“By 2022, we will have created 8 Centres of Excellence in Disaster Resilience across Indonesia, developed curriculum benchmarks for disaster management education, delivered disaster awareness training and established a national network for knowledge exchange, research and innovation and fundraising.”
– Nadine Sulkowski, BUiLD Project Lead, University of Gloucestershire
As socially responsible organisations, universities have a duty to reflect on how their educational strategies, research and business development activities, engagement with stakeholders and their institutional governance relate to the SDG disaster risk reduction targets. Moreover, universities are typically large organisations with a duty of care towards their students, staff and associated communities and whose activities contribute substantially to local and regional socio-economic development.
Public Information @Twitter
The government and several related authorities are actively using social media channels to disseminate important and fast information about events and disaster management. It is important for you to follow.
Information @Twitter
The government and several related authorities are actively using social media channels to disseminate important and fast information about events and disaster management. It is important for you to follow.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
Prabuningrat Building (Rectorate Office), UII Main Campus
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia
Phone: +62 274 898444
Facsimile: +62 274 898459
Email: info[at]uii.ac.id